
这是个上海市中心 80 平米的公寓,业主是丁克的夫妻,我们营造一种轻松浪漫的空间氛围,同时解决空间的自身缺陷

此空间原始层高仅有 2.5 米,所以在材质上尽量选用薄的


This is an 80-square-meter apartment in the center of Shanghai. The owners

are husband and wife Dink. We created a relaxed and romantic 

space atmosphere, and at the same time solved the defects of the space. The original floor height of this space is only 2.5 meters, so the 

materials should be as thin as possible. Yes, one centimeter must be strived

for, and at the same time, the texture of the material and the depth 

of the color are used to create a sense of visual transparency in the space.

  • 们将客厅区域缩小,形成一个木盒子,将厨房与餐厅以及玄关通过材质分离,但是空间是相通的



    We shrink the living room area to form a wooden box to separate the kitchen from the dining room

    and the entrance through the material, but the space is In the same way,

    the entire wall and top floor of the public area are made of uniform resin paint material.

    This kind of paint is thin and can save more floor height. At the same time, white color is used, the

    visual sense is very transparent, and at the same time, the overall living space is created. Relaxed romance.